In a June blog I noted how our fields had just been planted with soybeans. How the farmer had prepared the field to rid it of weeds but that the soybeans would grow where they were planted because of the right amount of water and sun. Just like us, we grow where we’re planted, and with the right amount of Living Water and the Son (of which there is an endless supply), our landscapes can be changed from weeds to lush, nourishing, productive beans.
In another few weeks, it will be time to harvest the soybean crop. The soybean plants have gone from growing among the weeds, to overtaking the weeds, to bush-like plants that are 18-24” tall, to bean-bearing plants. It’s funny to look at them though because now the actual soybean bush is dying. The leaves are turning yellow, soon to be brown, forcing all the nourishment to the bean – technically the legume.
But, here’s another thing I recently noticed. The deer. They love them some soybean – leaves. Isn’t that interesting? They don’t eat the bean pods, they eat the leaves. As you can see in the picture, they top them babies right off. Some of the soybean bushes look like stems with beans hanging on them. Almost like a Soybean Tree. The deer are only eating (thankfully, in this case) what’s on the surface, what’s easy to get to, what’s right on top. They’re missing out (thankfully) on the real bean. They’re missing out (thankfully) on opening the pods and eating the plump, rich, nourishing beans. Now I’m not sure why they don’t eat the bean pods (thankfully), but you and I know it is the best part of the plant. Maybe years ago a deer ate one and said ew that’s gross don’t eat the beans and the deer thereafter did not (we humans are little like that)? Who knows? But, it could be because they were satisfied with what was on the surface, what was easy to get to, what was easy to access. Maybe they were satisfied with just enough. What does just enough look like for us?
Church only on holidays? Maybe only on Sundays and a buck in the plate? A Bible only open on Sundays? Prayers only when we need something? Prayers only when we want something? Giving to those in need only when we have to or only when someone is looking? Loving God only because of what He can do for me? That’s leaf work. Taking in the bare minimum from and for the One who bore it all?
Are we satisfied with just enough…The minimum amount…Only what we have to…when it comes to following Jesus? Are we satisfied to just top off the leaves and not dig down into the bean? Are we content to take in the minimum amount?
Growing in Christ involves eating the bean, and not just munching on the leaves. The real nourishment is in the bean! What is the bean – vegetable – legume?
The Word of the Lord! The Word sustains us. The Word nourishes us. The Word causes us to grow. The Word satisfies our hearts. The Word gives us life – The Word makes us live! Alive! In His Word, Jesus said so:
Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh offered so the world may live.
John 6:51
In order to be nourished, we must take Him in. The first step is acknowledging who He is. But, it doesn’t stop there, that’s just the beginning. That’s where it starts. We must not be satisfied with just enough. We must eat the bean. He alone is our nourishment. He alone is our sustainer. He alone is our provider, our healer, the filler of the holes in our hearts, the balm in Gilead. But it’s not magic, it’s science – taking in life giving sustenance, life giving nourishment is required for something to live, whether our bodies or our souls. It is what is required to sustain us, it’s what is required to make us fully alive – alive in Christ!
When growing up and it came to report card days, my mother always used to say to me “if you would just apply yourself!” I hated that phrase! It always irritated me and usually ended with us both huffing and puffing, but she was right. I was always content to eat the leaves and not the bean, I was satisfied with what was on the surface, what was easy to get to, what was easy to access, what took the least amount of effort. I was always satisfied with just enough. Every six weeks, it would end the same way (I’m a super slow learner!), mom was super mad, we’d have a row, some grounding and some tears were always involved. I knew she was right, but because of my immaturity (not that I’ve got so much more now), it felt like she was just being mean, like she didn’t love me – which was the exact opposite!! She loved me so much she wanted more, better, the bean, for me!
Jesus came with a purpose.
My purpose is to give life in all its fullness. John 10:10
He did not die on that cross for you and me to have just a little life, to only taste the leaves, which by the way eventually wither and fade. He came so that we would have “fullness” of life. He wants us to be complete, whole, totally one with Him. He wants us to totally saturate ourselves in Him and His Word – not just to learn it, but to actually apply it to our lives – to live it – to be totally alive! Jesus doesn’t want us to be satisfied with just enough.