So, we know that great feasting day will soon be upon us, literally, our bellies and our hips. Our eyes are focused ahead on that day. We travel around it, we plan around, we cook around, we talk about it, we are zeroed in on that day, it’s a benchmark — Thanksgiving. But, do we actually celebrate the Reason for the Season? What is the reason? Thankfulness.
I’m trying to think a little more instead of just the day, the season. That’s right, there’s more than one season this time of year, despite Thanksgiving items being 75% off before Halloween. The stores completely skip from one receiving “holiday” Halloween, to the next, Christmas. Maybe that’s why we spend so little time in Thanksgiving, in being grateful, because we don’t have (take) the time, we skip the season (month), the world has pushed us forward, and we(I) have obeyed. We plan for December without living in November.
I’m trying to live in November this year. Trying to live out Thanksgiving as more than just one single day, which now we don’t even set aside — Black Friday shopping starts Thanksgiving Day evening.
But, just for a minute, let’s think about what the world would look like if we actually landed squarely in November, Thanksgiving, the “giving” holiday without skipping from one “receiving” holiday to the next. With the world noise around us, how do we do that?
How do we celebrate Thanksgiving? By living Thanksgiving, or Thanksliving? The answer seems almost too easy doesn’t it? Be thankful — not just, yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m thankful, but sincere, reflective, real Thanksgiving. Training our brains to consciously think thankful — yes, it can be done. We should be thankful for everything from chocolate to challenges. How about we pause, take a breath, step out of the chaos in our minds and our lives, for brief periods and allow Thanksgiving to wash over us. Allowing ourselves to celebrate Thanksgiving every single day is refreshing and required.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2
What would our world look like if each of us lived Thanksgiving everyday? We cannot change the attitude of the world, but we can have a major impact on our own little corners and our little corners have little corners. Think of how we can impact the folks around us by planning, practicing, and living Thanksgiving, Thanksliving, every day?