As with most all of us in the west, and many in the world, Tony and I have cells phones. We have a cell phone plan, you know, the kind. You pay a lot of money each month for a certain number of phone lines and you get superb service, always. Well…nearly.
We’ve used the same carrier for the past 15 or so years. About two years ago, the strangest thing happened. Out of the blue our phone calls started merging on our cell phones. My calls would be listed in his Recent and Voice Mail, and vice-versa. They wouldn’t actually ring phone-to-phone, but they would show up. And…all of our Passwords merged. His on mine, mine on his. So much for security measures, right? Anyway, because Tony uses his phone for work and because we were told if we separated our phone IDs we may lose all contacts, we’ve just been living with it, because his phone is our paycheck.
Eventually we adjusted to this new norm, it wasn’t too too bad, until Saturday. I had to update my phone to the latest iOS. That’s where things got sticky. Not only were we receiving each other’s call notifications, we now were receiving each other’s text messages! Every text was a group text. Aaaah! Texts and responses were showing up on both our phones at all times. Well, we just couldn’t have that. Again, Tony’s phone pays our bills.
So, we began the process of separating our IDs, knowing the risk that our contacts, our passwords, our photos/videos, everything could be lost. We decided I would be the one to get the new ID so that his information could be preserved. I could recreate all my things, if needed. Or at least that’s what I thought. We got on the horn with the phone company and began the process. The phone representative, Jamelle, was talking us through this process. We were at the reset stage. Just as I had hit reset, he asked me if I had backed up my photos because all would be lost. When we checked the backup location, my photos weren’t there. I looked at Tony and started crying. There are some priceless photos on there, some I have in other locations, some I can retrieve, some that can be sent to me again, but some I can’t possibly replace. Jamelle heard me and immediately said to hit cancel.
You see there were photos that had not backed up and they were pictures of my mom. I just couldn’t get those back. So we immediately stopped the reset process and began the backup process. I explained to Jamelle that my mom was no longer living here on earth and that I needed those photos. He assured me we would do nothing until we could secure those photos. The backup process took much longer than expected (several hours) and at the end, I still didn’t have all my photos backed up. Now to be fair, I do have about 6,000. If you’d ever seen the amazing skies the Lord provides on a daily basis and if you’ve ever seen my Grandson Beau, you would be surprised I only had 6,000! Anyway, after a couple of more calls and consults with the phone company (way into the evening – this was like a whole day thing!), multiple attempts at backups, all unsuccessful, needless to say, I was slightly wrapped around the axel. I felt like I had wasted my whole day on this stupid phone. The thing that was “supposed” to make my life easier and more efficient only proved to be difficult and a time-sucker. But, as God would later reveal, not a time-waster.
Going to bed that night I kept kicking myself because I had spent almost a whole day trying to get my phone worked out. I hate to waste time – you can never get it back – especially on something as frustrating as a stupid phone. So I went to bed disheartened and slightly obsessed about my stupid phone.
The next day was Sunday…
Each morning I walk the sun up with my dog. You know I love, love, love that time of day. It’s completely dark and as I walk and pray, the early morning light starts dawning. As I’m walking along, the Lord revealed to me that I was a nut the day before about my stupid phone. I confessed to the Lord that I had not thought of Him after the phone process started and that I was so frustrated the day before that I was a scowling, sneering, short-tempered jerk. I’m ashamed to say that. I know better. But you see, I had, for one instance taken my eyes off Jesus, and instantly became this self-absorbed stupid phone lunatic. I let the world (my stupid phone) take over my thoughts. I let the world (my stupid phone) control my mind. Wrong! Wong! Wrong! What I couldn’t see Saturday became so clear Sunday. So I had to confess my sins and ask forgiveness from Jesus and from Tony. Both were gracious.
I will carry that lesson with me for some time. Keep perspective, do not let the world intervene and control my thoughts. The funny thing about it…On that Saturday morning, before all of this happened, this was my study verse:
Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12
I definitely didn’t carry that message throughout Saturday. I definitely was not dressed for success as they say, I had on the wrong clothes. What’s wrong with me? Why couldn’t I carry those verses even for a few hours? The process of sanctification is painful sometimes.
Another lesson I learned in all of this is even more precious and I pray I will never forget. After confessing my sin of losing perspective and being a jerk, God spoke a truth right into my heart that literally stopped me in my tracks: This place and this stuff are only temporary.
For this world is not our home; we are looking forward to our city in heaven, which is yet to come. Hebrews 13:14
I was living as if this world was my destination, and it’s not. You see, I wanted those pictures of my mom to keep forever. Well, this place is not forever. As much as those photos of my mom matter now, one day they will not because as the saying goes, “you can’t take them with you.” There’s nothing wrong with me wanting those pictures of my mom, but it came to me that I don’t need to worry about keeping the pictures because I’m afraid I won’t ever see my mom again. My mom is in Heaven. How do I know that? Because she accepted Jesus, confessed her sin, and claimed Him as her One True Savior. She was a child of God. That confirmation means that since I too have accepted Jesus, confessed my sin (so many), and claimed Him as my One True Savior, and I am a child of God, I will see her again. In fact, I will spend all of eternity with her. I don’t have to have her photo.
The fact is that I was obsessing over a photo of someone I will see again when actually I should be obsessing over the photos of people — friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers, who don’t know Jesus, because I won’t see them ever again after they leave this earth. Those are the pictures in life I should be concerned about saving, backing up and downloading. Those are the ones that I should print and frame and hang on the walls of my mind, so that every time I see them I can seek God’s grace and mercy for them.
Through confession of my sin for being a jerk and getting caught up in the worldly, the Lord was so gracious to forgive me, but then He also spoke Truth into my heart. When we confess our sin to Him, He is quick to forgive and quick to comfort.
I will make a reasonable attempt to save my mom’s pictures, but if I can’t, it’s really okay. He has granted me peace. He reminded me that this world is not my home – all of this world and every person and photo will fade away. He has also reminded me of what is really important and that there are photos I really do need to save, to gaze on, to pray on.
Those are the most important lessons I learned this weekend, but there were others I don’t have time to go into here. Eventually, after three days (yes), my phone backed up. Eventually, by resetting our current ID, our phones are fixed. The fix was a simple reboot, a reconnect. Hmmm…wasn’t that the solution all along?