Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving only on Thanksgiving Day? I mean I know why the Pilgrims and Indians celebrated Thanksgiving, but why do we? Sure, I know it is to commemorate the first Thanksgiving, but when we’re sitting around this stuffed bird on the table gorging ourselves (I’ll speak for myself), are we thinking about the true meaning of Thanksgiving? I can honestly say I’m not thinking of the lean times when God provided. I’m not thinking about the insecure times when God provided. I’m not thinking about the times of sickness when God provided. Frankly, I’m thinking about more mashed potatoes with sauerkraut in the middle and who’s going to take the body shot so I can have that last piece of pie? Wrong, I know.
So, this year, I want to be different. This year I want to celebrate the real meaning of Thanksgiving — God’s provisions for me, for you. Is it too much to ask (I ask myself) to set aside one day for thanksgiving to a God who provides year round? Better yet, what if I carried that thanksgiving a little bit past Thursday, maybe even a little into Friday? I don’t think it would hurt me. You in? Let’s get started.
During your time with the Lord today, read aloud Psalm 100.
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One! Today, praise the Holy One. During your Thanksgiving Celebration, look around the table and whisper a prayer of thanksgiving for each.
Write down two blessings from your Thanksgiving Day celebration.
Write out Psalm 100.
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. Today, praise the Holy One who gave His Son.
Memorize Psalm 100:4
And now let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us. Praise the Holy One today for His strength and glorious riches. All good things come from Him.