Rest is vitally important to our minds, bodies and Spirits.  In fact, Jesus rested and he calls us to rest as well, to go to the place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God.  So, friends, after nearly seven years (crazy) and 390+ posts (crazier), I’m going to take a blog rest in the month of February.  I’m calling it FEBRUARY REFRESH.  To be honest, it really does give me a little heartburn (you know me and my structure), but I also feel like God is calling me to take a step away from the writing in February to rest, reset, refresh, renew and be refilled.  And He Rules!

I plan to start back up in March 2025 with renewed vigor and vim, so hold tight.  I also want to take this time to revamp the blog email list.  Email lists can sometimes take on a life of their own and now is the perfect time to clean mine up.  I don’t have an “unsubscribe” button even though you may have wished long ago that I did 🙂  So, this is what we’ll do — if you DO want to continue to receive email notifications from me, just reply to this email and we’ll get a new, manageable blog email list started.  If you DO NOT, you need do nothing.  Please don’t feel like you have to “resubscribe.” We all get tons of emails we cannot keep up with, many with good stuff, but we still just can’t keep up with them.  I completely get that.

So, if you DO want to continue to receive emails, reply to this email.  If you DO NOT, do nothing.  If you’d prefer that I use a different email address, please let me know that too.

Reminder – If you need a refresh, a reset, a renewal, to be revived, some rest, to be refilled, Family Bible Church meets every Sunday, at 10:00 am (coffee is perked by 9:15), at 1400 Echo Street, Martinsburg.  Come as you are.

May the Lord Watch Between Me and Thee While We Are Absent, One from Another, Amen!

With So Much Love,


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