The moon has been spectacular the past few early mornings. Did you see it? Wow! I have a thing about the moon. I mean I love the sun, it’s a magnificent creation, our daylight and our dayheat. But, there’s just something about the moon, the nightlight in the dark.

I’ve been looking Heavenward much more often lately, for many reasons, one being the SpaceX rescue of the astronauts from the International SpaceStation. I just can’t hardly imagine being an astronaut, being in the heavens and just that much closer to Heaven. I’m imaging if I were an astronaut (not a space cadet!), and I flew 250 miles into the heavens where all you could see were stars, planets, sky, I’d probably not get much work done (what do they do on the ISS anyway?) because I couldn’t keep my mind on my work. I think I’d be starstruck, awestruck. Even 250 miles would put me that much closer to Jesus. Anyway…

First thing each morning, after getting my coffee (of course, priorities!), I turn off all our outside lights before heading to my desk. That way, when I sit down to spend time with Jesus, all I can see before I turn on my desk light is the Heavens. It is unbelievable what you can see when you turn out the lights! Little glimpses of Heaven.

This morning, like most mornings, I sit and gaze at the moon. All moons are beautiful and all moons are special. Why? Because it turns up every night since being placed carefully in the sky, on the Fourth Day! It’s never missed a day yet. Even with the naked eye you can see outlines and details on the moon, even at almost 240,000 miles away. Spectacular! So, in the darkness, I moonbathe. Ever been moonbathing? It’s similar to sunbathing, only better. The moon this morning is at about 12:00 in the south. Today’s a moonburn day. From where I’m sitting the view is completely unobstructed. Not like some days. Today, I don’t have to search for the moon behind branches and trees. Hmmm… The light shines in the darkness – heard that before? I close my eyes and I sit. I feel the moon on my face and I bathe in the glory of the One who created it. Hallelujah!

I think about how well I can see the moon in the darkness, and how incredibly bright it seems to be. So bright that it casts shadows. Then I think, would I realize how bright the moon was if it wasn’t so dark. When the sun’s out, it is always bright, there is no darkness. Do we even notice? Not much. I don’t always see the sun, because it’s always there. Does that make sense? I don’t recognize how bright the light, until I’ve seen the darkness. I would not be able to glory in the moon and the One who created it, if it were always light.

Life’s like that too, you know. We must sometimes travel in the dark to recognize the light. There are many different kinds of darkness. Physical darkness – illness. Spiritual darkness – sin. Emotional darkness – anxiety. Relationship darkness – separation, abuse. Financial darkness – there’s just not enough. We’ve all got dark. But there’s an incredible hope, a Light.

Because of God’s tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.
Luke 1:78-79

Do you see what that says? When we are overcome with darkness, when the night is pitch black, when the dark hole is so deep, God will break upon us. He will visit, descend, show up, make Himself known, appear, through the Light of Heaven, Jesus His only Son, because of His tender mercy.

Psalm 112:4 puts it another way:

When darkness overtakes the godly, light will come bursting in. The Lord is generous, compassionate and righteous.

When we are in our darkest moments because we’ve made an ever-loving mess of things, or due to circumstances completely beyond our control because we live in a fallen world, when darkness has overtaken us – our spirits, our thoughts, our actions, our wallets, our relationships, our whatevers, the Light, not a light, but the Light will come in. It doesn’t say that Light may show up, that it will peek in, that it will be subtle, it says BURSTING in. Jesus always shows up. Not just a tiny speck of light in the darkness, but a full moon, so bright you can find your way. Oh, Jesus, BURST forth!

Here’s the thing, the Light comes, not because of who we are or what we do, but because of who He is. Remember what it said? He is merciful. He is peace-filled. He is generous. He is compassionate. He is righteous. He is Light. The light does shine in the darkness and the darkness has not extinguished it. It just can’t. What incredible Light for our darkness. The Light that gives Light to everyone. To all who receive Him. To all who call upon Him.

You know, sometimes our eyes start to adjust to the darkness, our lives do too, that’s called compromise, complacency. Even though our eyes may adjust some, until we see the Light, we are still walking around in the dark, bumping into things, not seeing things clearly. Sometimes we don’t know how dark it has really been until we turn on the Light.

No matter what your darkest night is, there is a Light just waiting to burst forth and shine Life, and illuminate your darkness. Come to the Light!

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