In gratitude and thanks giving, I honor you, Veteran.  You, the one whose sacrifice brought about my freedom.  You for me.  Your sacrifice of time, family, money, health, desires, sometimes all.

Sacrifice.  Service.  Humility.  The surrender of something for the sake of something more important.  Justice.  Safety.  Freedom.  Life.  You for me.  I am in awe.

Please, don’t let that sacrifice be in vain.  Turn to Jesus.

In gratitude and thanks giving, I honor you, My Lord.  You, the one whose sacrifice brought about my eternal freedom.  You for me.  Your sacrifice of reputation, time, family, money, desires, self, all.

Sacrifice.  Atonement.  Offering.  The Lamb.  Death.  The surrender of something for the sake of something more important.  Forgiveness of Sins.  Life Eternal.  Righteousness.  Justice.  You for me.  I Stand in Awe of You, the Holy Lamb of God.

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  Matthew 20:28

Please don’t let that sacrifice be in vain.  Turn to Jesus.

We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.  And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done.  Romans 3:22

Thank you to those who sacrificed, to those who are sacrificing, to those who will sacrifice for all of our freedoms, most importantly, the freedom to Choose Jesus, to Worship God the Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Our Redeemer, Our Deliverer.  I Stand in Awe of You.

Thank you Jesus for  your sacrifice, for paying the ransom.  You for me.  I Stand in Awe of You.

Freedom is never free.  It is costly.  Don’t let it be in vain.