Butter and Eggs

Just doesn’t want to give up…

A couple weeks into November, Tony sent me this picture with that caption.  It might be a little hard to see, but those are wild snapdragons, or at least that’s what we call them.  The technical name for them is toadflax, but they’re also known as butter and eggs – yum. 

Now these wild snapdragons are typical spring/summer bloomers, those in the picture were still blooming after the frosts, they just didn’t want to give up. 

The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.  Isaiah 58:11

Under the conditions we sometimes face on a daily basis – dark clouds, wind storms, and cold temperatures, the elements of life, it would be easy to give up, wouldn’t it?  We feel worn, broken, and pushed down.  But, as you can see in Isaiah, we have been given a promise.  Sometimes, under those harsh conditions, we find it hard to see the promises and we need to be reminded.

He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.  Isaiah 40:11

Though storm clouds gather, because of His promises, we can bloom as the butter and eggs do.  No where does His Word say it will be easy.  No where does His Word say we’re on your own, figure it out, try harder.  In fact, His Word says the opposite.  For apart from me you can do nothing!

Everywhere His Word says I Am with you.  I Am with you!  I Am will guide you!  I Am will fill your spirit and restore your strength!  I Am will carry you in His arms!  I Am will hold you close to His heart!  I Am will make your night turn to day! 

Claiming all those promises and more from The Great I Am, will cause us to burst forth with beauty and hope, maybe with little tiny yellow buds barely poking through, yet making the bloom even more radiant under such harsh conditions.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail.
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.

What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
leaning on the everlasting arms.

Standing on the promises of Christ, my King,
Through eternal ages let his praises ring;
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.

Leaning, leaning,
safe and secure from all alarms;
leaning, leaning,
leaning on the everlasting arms.

Do we see the similarities in our lives?  When all the elements suggest the snapdragons should not grow — lack of sunlight, harsh winds, cold temperatures, bud deadening frost, their radiant yellow blooms burst forth in beauty and hope.  The Great I Am can and will do that in our lives also, we must not give up!

Raise the Song

Come, ye thankful people, come,

Raise the song of harvest home;

All is safely gathered in,

Ere the winter storms begin;

God our Maker doth provide

For our wants to be supplied;

Come to God’s own temple, come,

Raise the song of harvest home.

All the world is God’s own field,

Fruit unto His praise to yield;

Wheat and tares together sown,

Unto joy or sorrow grown;

First the blade, and then the ear,

Then the full corn shall appear:

Lord of harvest, grant that we

Wholesome grain and pure may be.

For the Lord our God shall come,

And shall take His harvest home;

From His field shall in that day

All offenses purge away;

Give His angels charge at last

In the fire the tares to cast;

But the fruitful ears to store

In His garner evermore.

Even so, Lord, quickly come,

Bring Thy final harvest home;

Gather Thou Thy people in,

Free from sorrow, free from sin,

There, forever purified,

In Thy garner to abide;

Come, with all Thine angels come,

Raise the glorious harvest home.

Henry Alford, 1844.

This is one of my favorite Thanksgiving songs. I’ve been humming it over the past couple of days and it does have a catchy tune. But I recently took a little time to actually look at the words. Things written in the 19th Century sometimes are a little hard to decipher at first, but the more I read this, the more I began to understand what the song really means. I guess I always knew it wasn’t about food although I associated it with food Sunday. This song has nothing to do with food and everything to do with salvation!

May we offer our thanksgiving of praise to the Lord of the Harvest for supplying our needs, our wants, for making us fruitful, for purging our sin, for gathering us. May we raise the song of harvest home to the world.

Happy Thanksgiving!


I don’t know about you all, but I feel like I’ve been on a quest for the perfect vacuum my entire adult life.   I now have three.  Our house has central vac, it’s awesome for hardwoods, tiles and linoleums, but it’s not so good on carpets.  Then I have this Dirt Devil, aptly named, that is very good for carpets and scatter rugs, but not good on hardwoods or linoleums.  Then I have this little stick vacuum that’s good for spot cleaning dog hair when I don’t want to pull out one of the others.  I often think of the prairie days when they had dirt floors, used a straw broom to sweep them clean and called it a day.  It makes my three vacuums look excessive.

Anyway, I was vacuuming last Saturday and noticed something I’d not before.  You know when you have indoor and outdoor animals you just have dirt and lots of it.  You also know that, for some reason, you can’t seem to get it cleaned up on the first swipe or two.  So, I usually go through with the central vac and pick up the big stuff.  Then, I go through and do the rugs with the Dirt Devil.  Then, I repeat that exercise a few more times.  For some reason when vacuuming, you can go over a spot, and turn around and there’s a dog hair tumbleweed tumbling from under the couch that you just vacuumed under.  Where does it come from?

On cleaning day, if I’m feeling super energetic, I drag both vacuums to the second floor and do the same exercise, which is a rarity. True to form, last Saturday I ran out of steam on the first floor so I thought, I’ll just run my little stick up the stairs and in the middle of the floors on the second floor.  You know, a lick and a promise.

Here’s what I noticed that I hadn’t before – my stick vacuum has a headlight on it!  Who knew they made vacuums with headlights? I had never noticed it until I was vacuuming the stairs – you know, all those nooks, crannies and crevices that dog hair, cobwebs, barn dirt tuck into?  I thought, dang, this is so cool!  Then I thought yuck that’s just gross!  With my other vacs I just assumed I was getting all the dirt up, even if I had to take a good many swipes.  But,  with the light on my stick I could clearly see the spots I was missing and the dirt that got left behind. I could only see the dirt because of the light.  It doesn’t mean the dirt wasn’t there, it means that the light revealed it. 

When I think of light, my mind goes to Jesus.  As I’m vacuuming those gross stairs and thanking goodness for the light on my stick, my heart suddenly says, thank goodness for the Light – thank goodness for Jesus!  I thought about all of those nooks, crannies, crevices and cracks in my heart that have all kinds of dirt stuck in them – sins, fears, anxieties, unforgiveness, busyness, lack of focus, not just the surface dirt that is out in the open that all can see, but all those little things that seep into the cracks of our hearts that we just can’t see without the Light.  How do we begin to clean up that dirt that is revealed by the Light?

Submit yourselves then to God…

James 4:7

Are we ready to listen to God?  Are we open to his instruction?  Are we open to obey? Are we willing to submit our lives to the King of Kings?  Are we willing to say, Lord, I am Yours?

Come close to God, and God will come close to you.  Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.

James 4:8

Next time you’re cleaning around your house, think about cleaning around your heart.  If your vacuum doesn’t have a light, shine a flashlight where you’ve just vacuumed and see how much dirt you missed in the cracks of your heart.  Ask the Lord to reveal the dirt in your heart that needs to be sucked up and swept away.  We cannot do the heart cleaning on our own, we must have the Light.  When we submit ourselves to the Lord, when we bow down, only then will He lift us up.

Find me here at Your feet again
Everything I am
Reaching out I surrender
Come sweep me up in Your love again
And my soul will dance
On the wings of forever

My heart beating
My soul breathing
I found my life
When I laid it down
Upward falling
Spirit soaring
I touch the sky
When my knees hit the ground.

Hillsong United


I love looking around at nature and the effects of the season changes on my senses.  Seasons seem to change so slow-quick.  The sun has changed its rise position from north of east to south of east and it sets the same west.  Because of our latitudinal position, the prevailing west winds usher in those cooler temperatures and try as he may, the sun cannot significantly encourage that temperature up to those we’ve recently enjoyed.  There’s a big contrast in the seasons in our neck of the woods.

So the worst-best and I were walking up the road last weekend.  It was beautiful.  It was chilly (I had my overalls on) but the sun was shining so bright on the mountain.  The sunshine warmed the coolness.  So while the worst-best stops for a sniff and to try to eat something that makes you not want to kiss her, I look across the field and notice the frost.  Frost, dew drops that freeze when they land on a cooler surface, like the ground, or a fence, or your windshield.  These glistening, beautiful little ice crystals really look like snowflakes to me.  Simply, frozen dew.  Anyway, as I was looking out across the field I noticed something.  Where the sun shone the frost was melted and the grass was stretching tall.  The parts of the field shielded from the sun were still frozen and brittle and crunchy to the foot.  Do you see that?

The contrast in one field was striking to me – the grass in the sun and the grass in the shade.  Warm and cold.  Melted and frozen.  Pliable and hard.  Tall and beaten.  Life and lifeless.  Light and shade.  Having the two extremes side-by-side required me to look at both at the same time.  I could see the light and I could see the dark.  It challenged me to think, honestly, where do I want to be – sun or frost, light or shade?  And, I had to ask myself, am I where I want to be?  Where am I standing right now?  I challenge you as well, sun or frost, light or shade?  Where are you standing right now?

I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark. John 12:46

There are decisions to be made.  Are we standing in the warmth of His light or frosted in the shade?  Are we standing in the shadows or are we standing in the Light?  It really is a matter of heart.  Do we want hearts radiating the Son or hearts that radiate the cold, brittle, frozen?    Have we placed our trust in Him?  If so, we will be walking in the Son.  If we’re feeling frosted, crunchy to the touch, we may need to rethink where we’re standing.

While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light.” John 12:35-36

The big question is — Are we standing in the Light?  Today, let’s evaluate where we’re standing – not where we should be standing we all know that answer, but where we actually are standing.  Our words and our actions should give us a good clue as to where we stand – Son or frost.  Look at the field.  Are you standing in the middle or in the shade, out of reach of the Light? 

Glorious Day…Again

I’m out walking in the dawn’s early light.  Sun peeping.  Silent.  Cool.  Refreshing.  Observing the work of the Master Artist puts a little spring in my step, a lilt in my tilt, a be in my bop.  I walk with the worst-best dog ever, feeling whole.  The sense that all is right with the world is palpable.  I offer praises to my Maker for the glory of the moment.  I smile.  It’s simply a glorious day!

When I start thinking about my day, reality sets in.  The song stops.  The birds stop singing.  The storm clouds roll in.  The mind reels.  I think of the busyness of the day ahead.  I think of the diagnosis of a friend.  I think of the relationship hurts of another.  I think of the addictions of another.  I think of the loss of a loved one of another.  I think…I think…I think…  As I think, I pray.  As I pray, I look beyond to the scape that only minutes ago made me feel on top of the world.  Have you ever experienced that? Mountain to valley in a minute? Rising to submerged in a second?  Underwhelmed to overwhelmed in a heartbeat?  I wonder to myself, how did I get from glorious to downright gloomy in a millisecond?  I simply lost my mind – no kidding, I completely lost perspective and perspective comes from the mind.

I look out across the field and the landscape has totally changed.  So, I continue to walk, my prayers changing from praise to pleading.  Then I hear this still small voice (now you really think I’ve lost my mind) say “Nothing that happens today will change the fact that today is a glorious day.”  I understand.  In my lost mind I go to all the buts and His voice responds.  But…it’s still a glorious day.  But…it doesn’t change that this is a glorious day.  But…it will still be a glorious day.  Over and over again.  No matter what happens today…it doesn’t change the fact that today is a glorious day.

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  Now glory be to God our Father forever and ever.  Amen.  Philippians 4:19-20

Glorious – full of glory – adoring praise or worshipful thanksgiving – absolute gratification.

Rejoice evermore.

Pray without ceasing.

In every thing give thanks:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sun going down, I was again walking the worst-best dog in the same spot as this morning.  I look across the fields and at the sky.  I observe again the work of the Master artist.  The clouds show the Earth’s rotation.  Thinking back on the things of the day, even the things that made me briefly lose my mind, the hard things, the scary things, I can thank Him for showing me that “It was simply a glorious day.”  Thank you, Lord.


Look at that big momma! Ain’t she a beauty? That’s my pumpkin plant. Yep, right in my front yard. I love pumpkins. I don’t know what it is about them. Maybe it’s the reminder of fall. Maybe because their color is so rich. Maybe because they’re just kind of goofy looking – bumpy, lumpy, misshapen. I don’t know why – I just love them.

This pumpkin plant is special to me. I’ve always wanted to grow pumpkins, but have had very little, actually, no success. I’ve planted pumpkins three different times, using three different techniques, in three different places on our property. The first time, I dug up the soil, carefully placed the pumpkin seeds in holes two feet apart, and mounded the soil on top of them – that’s what the package said. They never came up. The second time, I tried the “container method.” Starting from seeds, I dug a hole, placed the seeds in the hole in a container. After the plant became strong and mature, I was going to remove it from the container and place it in the ground. It never came up.

My third attempt was successful, as you can see. I got a pumpkin last year at Orr’s Farm Market. It sat on my porch through fall and when it started to cave in a little I thought I’d try to harvest my own seeds. Maybe that was the problem with my other two attempts. You know, GMO. So, I harvested my own pumpkin seeds. It was a painstaking task, ahem. I picked this caving pumpkin up – if you’ve ever waited too long to remove your pumpkin you know what happened. It turned to mush in my hands and I dropped it beside my front porch. I had every intention of going out and cleaning it up. You know what they say about good intentions…As the story goes – fall became winter, winter became spring, spring became summer, and summer became pumpkin! A pumpkin plant right in my front yard! My very own victory garden!

I am so excited about this pumpkin plant. It really is huge, probably about 8×10 and it continues to grow. As you can see, it overtook my rooster, it has overtaken my sidewalk, and I have no doubt it will continue through the front yard to the road in front of our house. The leaves are so big you could use them as umbrellas. The blooms are gorgeous, brilliant orange. It looks so healthy. There’s hope!

There’s only one small problem – it has no pumpkins. Not a one. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nadda. Oh, it started out on the right path. We had one pumpkin about four weeks ago. It got to be about six inches in diameter well on its way to Great Pumpkin fame! One day I walked outside and my Great Pumpkin had started to rot. Aaahhh!!! My neighbors heard that. Anyway, I have this massive, beautiful pumpkin plant and no pumpkins. Folks, I got no fruit. We’ve theorized about the lack of fruit. Too wet? Definitely not too dry! Bad seeds? They came from last year’s perfect pumpkin. Not the right soil? Look at those healthy leaves and the size of that thing and tell me the soil’s not right. Lack of pollination? Haven’t seen bee one. There’s only one explanation – it’s not getting something it needs to produce fruit. Duh, you say. Now I’m no horticulturalist so I don’t really know what the problem is, I just know there’s a problem. To be honest, I don’t care what the problem is, I just want pumpkins! A colorful, beautiful, lush, fruit bearing plant is no good without fruit! A pumpkin plant has one job in life — to produce pumpkins.

Paul tells us, just like the pumpkin plant purpose, our lives too are to be all about the fruit:

But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. If we are living now by the Holy Spirit, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:22-25

Do we have fruit? What’s our fruit look like? Ouch – get off my toes!

You see, there are two forces at work in our world. Sin (evil) and God (good). Our sinful nature, which leads to death (destruction) and our Spirit nature, which leads to life (eternal fruit producing life). When we follow the desires of our sinful nature (our old life) we cannot follow the desires of the Spirit (our new life). If we do, we are not changed.

So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict. But when you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law. Galatians 5:16-18

Our sinful nature is in direct contradiction to our Spirit life. Our sinful nature is what the law speaks against. The law that’s designed to protect us. The law has never been able to change our sinful hearts. Only Christ’s sacrifice on that cross could offer freedom from the law. The law where people thought they could gain acceptance by God by being obedient to the commandments, by following the rules. Impossible! You see it’s about the heart – it’s about the Spirit. Our sinful nature cannot produce fruits of the Spirit. Only changed hearts and the indwelling of the Spirit can produce good fruit – the Great Pumpkin! If we are being ruled by our sinful nature (it’s all about me) and not by our Spirit nature (it’s all about God) we will not produce the fruits of the Spirit.

If our hearts are changed, we will want to keep his law, not to gain His acceptance, but out of our great love for Him. In Psalm 40:8, David wrote “I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.” If our hearts are changed, our lives are changed. If our hearts are changed, the Holy Spirit is in control. If the Holy Spirit is in control, we produce good fruit, Holy Spirit controlled fruit!

In Romans, Paul quotes King David from the Psalms when he says there is no one perfect, “not even one!” But that does not give us an out. Matthew 5:48 says: “But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” We cannot be flawless, completely without fault, but we are to make it our goal to be as much like Christ as possible. When we do, the fruit appears.

So, I ask again: Do we have fruit? Have we turned from our sinful nature to the Spirit nature? What’s our fruit look like? Have we nailed our passions and the desires of this world to His Holy Cross? The ways of the world are very wily. The world will tell us it’s enough to have beautiful, healthy looking leaves – to be big and powerful — and to have beautiful blooms. That’s a lie. The world doesn’t care about our fruit. The forces of the world don’t want us to have fruit. Have we given the Spirit full reign to produce good fruit within us or do products of the sinful nature still appear in our lives?


My poor girls – they’ve just been through it!  I came home from work two weeks ago on a Friday.  Stuck in my usual routine, I walked over to the kitchen door and looked out at the barn.  And, what do I see?  A hawk sitting on the fence not 10 feet from my gals’ coop.  Of course, the first thing I did was scream  “Hawk!” and I took off out the door, work clothes and all and Tony was right behind.  We ran to the barn, hollering and arms flailing like mad.  It flew away across the road.

We went into the barn to look for the girls and on the way, we saw feathers, white feathers.  A clump here, a clump there, a trail of two on their path to the barn.  My heart sunk.  Now I know that free range chickens are also free game chickens, but I don’t have to like it.  Seeing the hawk and seeing feathers, I saw the writing was on the wall. 

I came back to the house, changed from my work clothes, and I began the search as Tony continued chasing the hawk out into the woods.  I was full of angry emotions and as he headed out I told him to get rid of the hawk.  He said he couldn’t it was a protected bird, it was against the law.  This made me angrier.  My terse retort was that I could be fined and jailed for killing a bird, but not a baby.  Yes, I said that out loud.  I told him that I needed someone, somewhere to explain that logic to me because it made absolutely no sense.

Anyway, I went to search for my girls.  There was only one.  Sitting in the bottom of the coop was one of my black girls, completely frozen in place.  She didn’t even blink.  At first I thought she was dead from fright, but looking super close, you could see she was breathing, barely.  Now we don’t know how long the hawk had sat a fence, but we do know that from his vantage point, he had a birds eye view of black girl and she of him.  She was literally scared stiff, and really, who wouldn’t be?

I went looking for the other three.  I walked through the woods, I went to all their hiding places.  I called and called.   About an hour later, having a fruitless search, I went back to the barn to check on stiff girl.  She blinked.  I knew she’d be ok.  But still no others.  After a few minutes trying to comfort stiff girl, I heard a rustle in the feed bags behind a wheel barrel in the barn.  I made my peep-peep sound and I heard a faint peep-peep back.  I continued.  She continued.  And then a girl made her way out of the feeds bags.  It was white girl!  Unharmed!  She ran to stiff girl and stiff girl got up.  I hung out with them a little bit to reassure them and then started back for the house.

I continued to call the other girls on my way back to the house.  Half way back I heard a slight peep.  I called and called.  Eventually, a little black head and a little red head appeared from under the horse trailer.  They had been hiding in the woods across the road and were making their way back to the barn.  They were super scared.  It took some coaxing, before they’d come and then they ran from brush pile to brush pile (this has been the only time I’m grateful for the brush piles) straight to me. Seeing I was on guard, they took off for the barn at top speed, butts awaggin.  Ever body is home, safe and sound – well, sort of.

The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Proverbs 22:3

For now, my gals are in hiding. They know danger lurks and they aren’t coming out of the barn.  They know the risks should the hawk come back around, which he has.  I think I should learn from my chicks.  This world is full of hidden and open dangers.  The evil one is quite wily and we must constantly be on our toes for danger.  This danger may or may not be a physical danger, but there is another more dangerous danger, spiritual danger.  Anytime we are tempted and then act on sin, we put ourselves in dangerous danger.  Anytime we drift from God, we are in dangerous danger.  Anytime we are disobedient, we are in dangerous danger .  But here’s the thing, there are things we can do to avoid spiritual danger.  There are actions we can take to protect ourselves.  We must be in the Word of the Lord and we must communicate with the Word.

Most things in life we absolutely cannot control.  We may not be able to keep ourselves from physical danger, but we absolutely can keep ourselves from spiritual danger. An active relationship with the Jesus Christ is all the protection we need.

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

We’ve seen the hawk lurking in a tree beside our house.  Just as our chickens know that staying in the barn conceals them and keeps them safe, we also know that when troubles come our way, the Lord will conceal us and keep us from danger.  He always keeps His promises and we may take refuge in Him.


Isn’t it a wonder how the Lord God knows our every thought,  hears our every word,  sees our every action, feels our every feeling?  That’s called omniscience.  All knowing.  How do we know that He knows everything?  First, the Bible tells us so.  Second, He tells us so.  He communicates with us directly as individuals, and at times collectively.

It boggles my mind to think of His omniscience, His all knowing.  Of course, we can say God knows everything, but when we stop and think about that for a hot second, and truly ponder what that means, it is a little overwhelming.

O LORD, you have examined my heart

and know everything about me.

You know when I sit down or stand up.

You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.

You see me when I travel

and when I rest at home.

You know everything I do.

You know what I am going to say

even before I say it, LORD.

You go before me and follow me.

You place your hand of blessing on my head.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,

too great for me to understand!

Psalm 139:1-4

One of the fascinating things about God’s omniscience is that it’s omnitemporal.  God exists now.  God existed then.  God exists forever.  Amen.  There was no beginning to His existence and there is no end.  He knew us before we were born, remember?

Lord, through all the generations

you have been our home!

Before the mountains were born,

before you gave birth to the earth and the world,

from beginning to end, you are God.

Psalm 90:1-2

All of this simply means God knows all things for all time.  Then to take it one step further, God is omnipresent.  All present.  Always there.  Again, the thought of that is a little wow, isn’t it?

I can never escape from your Spirit!

I can never get away from your presence!

Psalm 139:7

I’ve gotten a little into the weeds with my preface here, but God communicated directly with me last week about such things and I want you to know that that communication, that communion with God is possible for every single believer out there.  Here’s what happened…

I was talking with a coworker at work, you know shooting the breeze, and I don’t even know how it happened, what sparked it, but a little later I was reflecting on the conversation and my mind pointed out to me that I was grumbling, you know complaining, whining about life.  Not life specifically, but generally.  I know, I know, I was the person who wrote last week about rejoicing and joy!  Guilty.  Convicted. 

Anyway, we were chatting and I started talking about the heaviness of the world, the underlying current with life experiences, Covid, our families, our work, the state of our country, the world, the news, the needs, and how all those things were on my mind and how it affects all our lives and that how some days  I can deal with it better than others.  I even compared it to the cloud that hovered over the Addams Family car.  I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way. 

Anyway again, as I said it dawned on me later that I was just bellyaching.  I was wrong.  I later went back and apologized, she was gracious, but frankly, it was a little too late, the whining words had come out. The tone of the conversation had been set. The horse was out of the barn.  This was on Friday.

So, Saturday morning I sit at my desk, open my prayer book and what do I see?

You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent.  Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand.  I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me.  Jesus Calling

I was thinking, Yes!  Thank you Lord, you are pleased with my efforts.  You now, a little pat-pat on my own back.  But, He was not finished speaking…

There is one thing, however, that displeases Me:  your tendency to complain.  You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following.  I understand better than anyone else the stresses and strains that have afflicted you.  You can ventilate safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective.

Complaining to others is another matter altogether.  It opens the door to deadly sins such as self-pity and rage.  Jesus Calling (Continued)

Don’t you just love the way the Lord speaks to us?  And yet, His smack down of me, which I completely deserved, was done because He loves me and to remind me of who is really in charge.  Omniscient.  Omnitemporal.  Omnipresent.  He knew what I would say. He knew when I would say it. He was present when I said it.  Ouch!  He said, Beth you’re not in charge, you’re not in control, you are damaging My reputation, just keep your mouth shut.

The omniscient, omnitemporal, omnipresent God I serve heard my every word, before it even came from my grumbling lips.  Because He is omni, He could not let my sin go unchecked.  Where’s my Rejoice?  Guilty.  Convicted. 

Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out.  As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind and My song in your heart.  Jesus Calling (Concluded)

He promises to refresh the weary and bring back the faint.  Instead of complaining, I will pray.  Instead of grumbling, I will rejoice. God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present.  God knows us, God is with us, and his greatest gift is to allow us to know him. 


I came across one of my favorite verses the other day and it felt so good to be reminded.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength!  He will make me as surefooted as a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.  Habakkuk 3:19

In my job, I sometimes have to go to Court and play AV tech.  I say “play” because I’m no expert.  For those who know me well, you know that AV frustrates me.  Nevertheless, it’s required.  It makes me so tense to be called on to display a document and all in the room looking to me to make it happen.  If you’ve every operated a computer, an ipad, a smartphone or even a dumbphone, you know that things don’t always go exactly how they are supposed to.  A document won’t open, an error message pops up, wifi goes down, the wrong webpage comes up, the wrong text is sent, the link won’t open, you butt dial somebody.  That’s just the way tech works.  It’s life changing when it works and life changing when it doesn’t.  I know, that’s a little dramatic.

Anyway, I’ve had a occasion over the last weeks to spend some time in Court and am headed that way again next week.  My job is to project documents for those in the room to see.  The information on these documents is pivotal to the issues before the Court.  So, there’s absolutely no pressure there, right?  Wrong!  Now I tell myself all those things like – I’ll do my best and that’s got to be good enough – I can’t control everything and that’s ok – If the technology doesn’t work right (or I don’t work it right) it won’t be the end of the world — If I mess up they won’t cut my arm off – I’m human I make mistakes too – etc., etc.

But, the most comforting thing I tell myself is that God will make me as sure-footed as a deer and bring me safely over the mountain.  In fact, I have this written on a post it and taped to my keyboard.  I cannot look at my laptop in Court, I can’t attempt to project a document, without seeing that verse and boy has it saved me from a world of panic.

I came across the verse in my Prayer Book again today, only the reference backed it up a bit.  Instead of just verse 19, it started at verse 17 and that gave even greater perspective:

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!  I will be joyful in the God of my salvation.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

Talk about some difficult times, this is a little more devastating than a tech glitch.  We’re talking the potential starvation of a nation.  This would be terrifying, and is, to any nation.  But, Habakkuk would not be controlled by his feelings or the events going on around him.  Even though the troubles were seemingly insurmountable, Habakkuk looked to the strength of the God of his salvation!  In fact, he didn’t just have faith in the God of his salvation, He rejoiced in the God of his salvation!

Do we rejoice in the God of our salvation during difficult times, during trying times, during scary times, during stormy times?  We should – this is where Brother Paul’s training lesson comes in handy.  Human nature (sinful nature) is to get bogged down in the difficulties, the trying and the scary.  But, we need to take our eyes off of the difficulties, the trying and the scary, and look to God.  He will give us strength in those difficult times.  He will make us sure-footed, He will give us hind’s feet, so that we can safely navigate the rough terrain we must travel, with Joy!

So, I think I’ll add to my post it the word “Rejoice.”  Bringing us safely over the mountain doesn’t mean that the terrain is less dangerous, that the terrain less steep, it means exactly what it says, He’ll bring us safely over the mountain.  Having faith in the God of our salvation that He will do what He says He will do should cause us to rejoice, regardless of the terrain we traverse.

The literal is “I will jump for joy in the Lord; I will spin around for delight in God.”  Here is the hilarity of faith!—joy at its best with circumstances at their worst!  What a victory!  May it be yours!

Sidlow Baxter

So, may you twirl with absolute joy in the God of your salvation as His strength brings you safely over the mountain!

Flag Bearers

“Danger, Will Robinson!!!”  Remember that?  Robot, on Lost in Space alerted the Robinsons by saying “Danger, danger!” and “Warning, warning!”  What was Robot doing?  He was alerting them to disaster.  Robot was telling them that there was danger around.  What do you do when you see a destructive path up the road and others are heading right for it?   Just like Robot, we give a warning, we give a signal, we wave a flag.  Just like God did for the people he loved.  Just like Jeremiah did for the people he loved.  Just like Paul did for the people he loved.  Just like countless other examples in the Bible did for the people they loved.  Shouldn’t we do the same?    “Danger, danger!”  “Warning, warning!”  Wouldn’t you want to know if you were the one on the path to destruction?

“Your own wickedness will punish you.  You will see what an evil, bitter thing it is to forsake the Lord your God, having no fear of him.  I, the Lord, the Lord Almighty, have spoken!”  Jeremiah 2:19

You’re probably thinking holy mackerel, that’s a scary verse, that can’t really be in the Bible.  But, it is.  From one of the greatest flag wavers of all time, Jeremiah.

The prevailing theme of the Book of Jeremiah is that of national sinfulness and imminent judgment.  It’s a book of warnings.  The messages of Jeremiah were to convince God’s people to turn from their sin back to Him.   Know anyone else with that same message?  Jeremiah was written to Israel, specifically, the southern kingdom of Judah and its capital, Jerusalem.  Ah, he’s talking to the folks of The Holy City.  The same Holy City that Jesus rode through on a colt on Palm Sunday while the crowds sang Hosanna!  Hosanna!  We’re a little bit like Israel too, aren’t we?  Disobedient to God one minute, singing His praises the next.

Anyway, Jerusalem was destroyed, the Temple was destroyed, and the Israelites were captured and taken off to Babylon.  All because of sin.  Sin has serious consequences.  We don’t like to think about that too much.  Jeremiah is a book of messages from the Lord.  Jeremiah the Prophet gives the messages from the Lord, issues warnings, and then weeps in anguish for their disobedience because he knows they are working out their own destruction.

Blow the ram’s horn throughout the land.  Cry out loudly…Lift up a signal flag toward Zion.  Run for cover!  Don’t stand still!  Jeremiah 4:5-6

Lift up a signal flag.  It’s the Flag-Factor.  Why would you wave a flag?  To signal.  To advise.  To warn.  To alert.  Jeremiah was one flag waving dude.  Change your ways, be obedient to God, because there are consequences.  The alarm was sounded because the message was alarming.

But God also gave Jeremiah a message of hope for the captives:

“The truth is that you will be in Babylon for seventy years.  But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again.  For I know the plans I have for you,”  says the Lord.  “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me.  I will be found by you”, says the Lord.  “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes.  I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your land.”  Jeremiah 29:10

Here’s the beauty of the message – God rescues his people – to give them a future and a hope.

So, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do.  For if you keep following it, you will perish.  But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live.  Romans 8:12-13

Same message.  It sounds much more palatable from Brother Paul though, doesn’t it?  More gentile, more lovey, less harsh.  Nevertheless, the message is the same.  Sin has consequences.  Here’s the beauty in the message, God gave us a way out, the only way out.  God sent His Son, they call Him Jesus.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:23

Don’t you just love the buts…the free gift of God is eternal life, a future and a hope, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Here’s the question I asked myself – if we as Christians are to build each other up, we are to encourage each other in the faith, we are to help each other stay on the path to the narrow gate, shouldn’t we also be flag wavers?  Shouldn’t we be sounding the alarm?  Would we let our children walk into the street if we saw a car coming?  No, we would tell them to stop, look both ways, decide whether you have time to cross before the oncoming danger.  Stop.  Look.  Listen.  Why would we do that?  Because we love them and they could die.  Jeremiah loved his people enough to wave the flag.  Paul loved his people enough to wave the flag.  John loved his people enough to wave the flag.  Peter loved his people enough to wave the flag.  Jesus loved his people enough to wave the flag, in the form of the cross.  Shouldn’t we too love our people enough to wave the flag?  To alert.  To warn.  To signal.  To advise. To sound the alarm.  Isn’t that what we’re called to do?

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.  Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.”  Jeremiah 1:5

Look what the Lord said to Jeremiah.  There are so many messages packed into that one verse.  We’ll leave all that unpacking for another time.  It says what it says.  Look at Jeremiah’s response to the Lord:

“O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you!  I’m too young!”  Jeremiah 1:6

Jeremiah’s saying “Send Aaron!”  We too have many excuses, don’t we?  But look what the Lord says to Jeremiah:

“Don’t say that, for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you.  And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and take care of you.  I, the Lord, have spoken!”  Jeremiah 1:7-8

So, are you willing to wave the flag?  To warn?  To alert?  To advise?  Do you love someone enough to do that for them?  To save them from the consequences?  Are we afraid to do that?  Sure we are.  But didn’t He say He would be with us?  Didn’t He say He’d take care of us?  He, the Lord, has spoken. It is our job to take care of each other.  After all, wouldn’t you want someone to signal the flag for you if you were headed in the wrong direction?   Me too.  If we truly love each other we will signal the flag and we will appreciate it when the flag has been waved our way.  That’s what true love is.