X marks the spot. Isn’t that great? I always study with the window cracked right by my desk. I love to hear the early morning sounds. It’s such a comfortable feeling to hear the earth awaken, little by little, as the morning sky lightens. This particular morning I heard a screeching going on. I strain to hear if it’s a varmint after my chick-chicks or after my kitty-girl. I just can’t tell. I tiptoe down the stairs as the house is still asleep, and walk to the kitchen door. I open the door and take a listen. It’s nothing but that weird little bird we’ve never seen but has the oddest cat-bird screech. As I look up at the ridge, this is what I see in the sky. The clouds are literally streaking the sky all over, but right in front of me, prominently displayed – X marks the spot.
God said, I’m right here! I wanted to fall to my knees. Instead, I ran to the camera because I wanted to capture that sky and hold on to that reminder, forever. I need reminders, how about you? I’m right here! You see, just like everybody in the whole wide world, I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. I’ve been taking all kinds of stuff to the Lord and praying He’ll sort all things out. Praying His wisdom. Praying His guidance. Praying His provision. Praying His strength. I’m sure you’ve done or are doing the same thing.
But, let me ask you this question – do you always feel God is right there? Do you always feel like He’s hearing you? Do you always feel like He’s sorting things? Do you always feel like He’s guiding? Do you always feel like He’s strengthening? Do you always feel like He’s working for your good? Honestly, I don’t. Not because of Him, but because of me. In my mind I know that He is, but it doesn’t always feel like it. Feelings, they are funny things. I was telling a friend the other day, I mustn’t base my decisions or responses to something on my feelings because I’m a fickle sort and my feelings change day-to-day.
This led me to the question — Does my faith fall in line with my feelings or do my feelings fall in line with my Faith? In other words, is my faith dependent on how I feel or is how I feel dependent on my faith? That’s something to gnaw on, isn’t it? If we’re honest we know what that answer should be. If we’re honest, we know that we don’t always have the right answer. Right?
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.
It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God’s approval.
Hebrews 11:1-2
Do you see that? By their faith, not by their feelings? It was by faith…Hebrews 11 is full of examples. Did Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and so on and so on, rely on feelings or faith? Did their faith fall in line with their feelings? I don’t think so. I’m sure some of the roads that the Lord had laid before them brought about many different feelings – fear, anxiousness, anger, frustration, etc., they were a fickle sort too, just read about them. But, when it came down to it, they didn’t rely on their feelings, they relied on their Faith and every time He said I’m right here! X marks the spot.
So where do we fall? Faith based on feeling or feeling based on Faith? How do we get to the latter?
The apostles said to the Lord, “Make our faith greater.”
The Lord answered, “If you had faith as big as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Pull yourself up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea!’ and it would obey you.”
Luke 17:5-6
Jesus was saying to them, it’s not about the amount of faith you have, it’s about the genuineness of your faith. Faith is humble obedience to God. Faith is trusting in His word. Believing in an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing God. A God who says, I’m right here, whether you feel Me or not. X marks the spot!