So, you know how we had the dryer issue the day we came back from vacation in May, right? We had to get a new one. Well, guess what happened in June – yep, the washer started going bad. I had thrown a load in, hit the buttons as usual, and it started doing its thing. It filled, it washed, it rinsed, it spun – oh my word, what is that noise? One of those noises where you run screaming, turn it off! turn it off! turn it off! When in the spin cycle, the washing machine made this hideous sound, like marbles rubbing metal. We ran. We hit Stop. We sank.

We’re thinking here we go again, back to Lowe’s, where they fix all your woes, if you spend enough money. Ugh! We try again, we turn it back on, maybe it was just off balance, let’s give it one more go. We hit the power button, and the washer starts spinning. Other than that hideous noise, nothing seemed out of kilter except…as we stand there, pieces of dog food are flying across the laundry room floor from underneath the washer! I know, crazy. The dog’s nightly portion had just flown out from under the washer – what the heck is going on here?

We looked around because the dog food is kept in a plastic tub in our laundry room. We had recently gotten a new bag that wouldn’t quite fit in the tub so it was propped beside the tub. We look at the bag and there’s a hole, not just a little nick, baseball size. Tony pulls out the washing machine and underneath was enough dog food to fill a large coffee can, twice, no lie. When he tilted the washer for me to clean underneath, more fell out of the bottom of our washer. I know, crazy. He’s ba-ack…we have a mouse – ugh! That darn thing was taking the dog food out of the bag, through the hole he had chewed, and was storing it in the bottom of our washing machine. I know, crazy. He was quite industrious, I will give him that. He had quite a stash. It made me think what am I stashing?

Are you a collector? A stower? A stasher? A – I might use this one day – person? What are some of the things you save, you store? What are some things you’d stash in my washing machine?!?! That little mouse was storing up treasures. He couldn’t have possibly eaten it all, even if he’d had a party.

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal.
Matthew 6:19

What am I storing? What am I keeping? Are my possessions that important that I treasurer them more than my relationship with Jesus, here on earth? Are my collections that collectible? Are my treasures taking up too much space, too much time? Jesus gives us the simple, not so simple, solution.

Store your treasurers in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves.
Matthew 6:20

He’s saying that the things we collect, the things we store on this earth mean nothing. Our material things will always lose value. They will decay, they will be destroyed, they will be stolen. When Jesus was asked by the rich young ruler what he must do to have eternal life, Jesus said sell all your stuff, your collections, the stuff you’ve stowed away, the money you’ve stashed.

…and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.
Matthew 19:21

Empty yourself. That’s where the real treasure begins. Then, follow Jesus.

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will be also.
Matthew 6:21

What do we need to get rid of or sell off? What do we need to empty ourselves of that take up our time, our space? Do we have stuff that is replacing Jesus?

Peter said to Jesus:

“We’ve given up everything to follow you.”
Matthew 19:27

He may never ask us to get rid of our earthly possessions, but then again He might. He’s not saying go today and sell all of your possessions, or maybe He is. He’s saying your only treasure is in Him. We can collect all we want, but the only thing that has lasting value is Jesus.


Remember my meltdown in April? When I came unglued and went Tammy Faye, ugly cry and all? Remember when I got a little dramatic about the edges of my beautiful field and woods where trees were felled and uprooted in the pushing back process? [Ignorance, 04-12-19]

This is what it looks like now…

I’m a little partial, but I think it is the most beautiful corn field I’ve ever seen. Now, I know that just because something is pretty doesn’t mean it’s right or good, and I know nothing about crops and growing corn, but we’re told it’s a really good looking crop and should have a high yield. I smile because here’s the thing…what I could not see in April has now been revealed to me. Farmer J. knew the truth of the matter was that you have to clean the fields up and push the edges back in order to glean the most and best from the land. I can now see the end result. Beautiful, unending rows of corn. Mystery solved.

I want you to understand this mystery, dear brothers and sisters, so that you will not feel proud and start bragging. Some of the Jews have hard hearts, but this will last only until the complete number of gentiles comes to Christ. And so all Israel will be saved.
Romans 11:25-26

Mystery. What is a mystery? A whodonit? What does that mean? Maybe not what you think. It means truth revealed. God’s purpose, God’s truth, revealed to man. Made known. Manifested. Something formerly hidden or obscure, unseen or unseeable, now made known by God.

What mystery is Paul speaking about? That God’s salvation is for ALL, Jews and Gentiles alike! What’s a Gentile, essentially anyone that’s not a Jew – me, you. Mystery revealed! Paul was telling the Gentiles that the Jews were responsible for their (my, your) salvation!  God’s chosen nation, responsible for our salvation, another reason to support Israel.

For since the Jews’ rejection meant that God offered salvation to the rest of the world, how much more wonderful their acceptance will be. It will be life for those who are dead!
Romans 11:15

Their rejection brought me eternal life. I am no longer dead, you are no longer dead, if you know Christ. Life for the dead. Wow. Do you know anyone who is dead? If they aren’t a follower of Christ, not just an acknowledger of His existence, they are dead. That sounds harsh, but it is truth revealed. Plain and simple.

And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. So whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have his Son does not have life.
I John 5:11-12

Just as the mystery was revealed in what I called “carnage,” which actually made a way for more yield of corn, God’s mysteries are revealed to us. In time. For ALL to know.

Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are his riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is or us to understand his decisions and his methods! For who can know what the Lord is thinking! Who knows enough to be his counselor? And who could ever give him so much that he would have to pay it back? For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory everymore. Amen.
Romans 11:33-36


The Declaration of Independence was written in June 1776, by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. It was adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776, severing forever British rule, and birthing the United States of America.

July 4th is observed nationally with a day off work, fireworks and picnics. Just like we celebrate people’s birthdays, July 4th is a celebration of our Nation’s birthday. Just as people’s birthdays celebrate life, July 4th celebrates the life of the Nation we live in. This Nation is not a perfect nation but it is independent, free, and self-ruling.

Like every nation, we have symbols, all coming at various stages in our growth as a Nation. There’s the United States Seal – you should check it out. It’s beautiful and the symbolism will really make you think. There’s the American Flag – we’re all familiar with Old Glory. And there’s the Star Spangled Banner – which seems to be quite a controversy stirrer these days, written just down the road from us. We display these, we wave these and we sing these proudly. As we should.

I was out walking with the worst-best one morning. It was pretty dark, kind of cloudy, and as we walked, I noticed the sun starting to peak. And I thought, this must be a little of what Francis Scott Key felt when he penned those famous words!

Oh, say, can you see by the dawn’s early light.
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming.

Although the subject is the flag, these words mean a little something different to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a patriot through and through. We fly the colors, we stand for the anthem, we appreciate our forefathers who labored long and at great cost in the birthing of our Nation,  we respect the original Constitution and we love our homeland.

Mr. Key was talking about the flag. He saw it in the twilight and with a battle waging, he was pleased to see it still flying in the morning. Throughout the battle, the flag was constant. It was there the night before and the morning of. Do we know of something that constant, regardless of the battle we’ve got going on? Do we know of someone that constant? Of course we do. God.

The Lord guided them by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. That way they could travel whether it was day or night. And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from their sight.
Exodus 13:21-22

Who the Israelites saw in the morning, by the dawn’s early light, was the last thing they had seen at the twilight’s last gleaming. He was constant!

Oh, say, do you see by the dawn’s early light.
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming.

You know, as Christians, we can proudly sing these stanzas. The meaning is the same, it’s the symbol that’s different for us. Our symbol is the Cross. The Cross of Christ. The Cross symbolizes Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Cross symbolizes for us eternal life. The Cross is constant. We never need fear that what we see in the twilight will not be there in the dawn’s early light, because He is the dawn’s early Light.


We don’t always finish what we start. We are beginners, not enders. We are openers, not closers. We are halfwayers – we get halfway, then we halt. We commence, but we don’t complete. We embark, we don’t arrive. We initiate, but do not consummate. All of us will see evidence of this if we but look around our homes – projects started, but not finished. I hope I’m not alone.
Call me crazy. Getting ready for work one day, I flipped open the cabinet and pulled out the hair gel. That’s the last thing I do before heading downstairs and out for the day. I slap on some hair gel – my finishing touch. While slapping it on one particular day I had a revelation. I’m a starter, not a finisher. You see I had two containers of hair gel – one that was almost empty and one that was brand new. I grabbed the brand new one – I wanted to start something new. The first thought that came to my mind when I did that was: “Thank goodness Jesus finishes what he starts.” I promptly returned the new to finish out the old. In my quest to see all things Jesus, I saw Jesus in the Hair Gel – I know what you’re thinking and you might be right!

I started thinking about my faith-race. Will I finish? What will my finish look like? Will I limp over the line or will I lunge across for the crown of glory? Philippians 1:6 says: “And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.” He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it! Jesus has done His part in my faith-race – will I do my part? Will I run and not grow weary? Will I endure? Will I be faithful?

Endurance in the faith requires testing. No one in their right mind would voluntarily sign on for testing, but that’s how we are made to grow. We grow strong physically by testing. We grow strong spiritually by testing. James 1:12 says: “God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” We must endure. Endurance means bearing hardship, holding on, running on, never giving up, never stopping, persevering, spunking-up! Enduring means running the race, completing the test, finishing.

James told the Jewish-Christians how to finish. Grow your faith — when faith is tested endurance has a chance to grow. Endurance, courage, strength, the will to continue, to keep going in spite of hardship, burdens, grief, injury, oppression, trials, disasters – in spite of it all. Endure and you will grow.

Testing comes in many forms – interruptions, work, family, busyness, idols, laziness, complacency, death, destruction, fear, confusion, friends, excuses, attitudes, food, money, etc. My list goes on and on. I bet you have a list of your own. There are so many things that I allow to separate me from my Savior. He never separates from me – He will be faithful to complete. He’s a finisher. I separate from Him – I don’t train and I get tired. I get weak. I grow weary.

But, this is one race I must finish – it’s about life or death. It’s about the crown! Who doesn’t want that? First Timothy 4:7-8 says to “spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next.” Paul said to spend time and energy in training for spiritual fitness because he knew Timothy, and those to follow – us — would need it.

First Timothy 4:1: “that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons.” Paul told Timothy that in the last days some would turn away from what they believed and follow others – they would not endure. They would not finish.

We must finish what we have started and finish strong. Finish with confidence. Run and not grow weary. Finish for the crown.

Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world! Look, I am coming quickly. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown.
Revelations 3:10-11

Life is full of tests. We face them every day. This is the fallen world. Some trials are small – irritants. Some trials are enormous – mind blowing, gut wrenching, devastating. We must train, we must be ready. We must hold on. We must overcome. Jesus told us he is with us “always.” Not sometimes or only in the big stuff, but “always.” He told us we would have trouble. He told us to take heart. He told us he has overcome the world. He’s the Finisher.

Try to study the Word and feel all over the place. Try to settle your mind and can’t figure out where to start. Trying to pray but the words just don’t come. Searching for wisdom and only finding confusion. The Spirit Slayer works overtime. But…you don’t give up. You don’t stop. You don’t relent. You don’t give in. You keep opening your Bible. You keep asking God to intervene. You keep praising!


My chick chicks love fruit, especially watermelon. Now it is too expensive to buy for them, but every now and again we’ve bought a watermelon on a super busy week. You know those weeks when you just can’t find time to do one more thing, even cut up a watermelon? There’s lesson number one – examine my life to see if it’s too jammed packed to cut up a watermelon, and if it is, why do I do that? If it’s too busy for a watermelon, am I too busy for really important things? Anyway, when the watermelon starts to turn, we slice it in halves and put it out for the girls to enjoy. Another lesson – waste not, want not.

As I write, lots of lessons are coming to my mind – isn’t God good – teaching me through a watermelon. Who’d a thought? Anyway, where was I? It is amazing to me how my chicks peck away at that watermelon, all the way down to the skin scooping out every bit of meat without ever piercing the skin, or the rind. It reminds me a little of what can happen when we sincerely pray the prayer – Cleanse my heart O God…He picks away at everything, completely cleaning out my life leaving it empty. Leaving a shell, a vessel, to which He can pour into Living Water.

So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel.
Jeremiah 18:3

Isn’t that a beautiful image? The Lord forming, creating, molding, shaping us into containers? Containers to hold The Word, Jesus. A vessel to hold Living Water.

Yet, O Lord, you are the Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8

He is the Potter. We are the clay. He is forming and working. He is hulling out, creating a vessel that He can use.

I’ve been watching this watermelon for over a week. Although its edges are shriveled a little from the sun, amazingly enough, this vessel still holds water. I wonder…Can I hold water? Can you hold water? Can we bear up? Can we be used?

If you keep yourself pure, you will be a utensil God can use for his purpose. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.
2 Timothy 2:21

God does not shape us for uselessness. He is a God of purpose. We are made in His image. We are vessels made to be used by Him.

You may never look at a watermelon in the same way again! It’s all about practicing His Presence, turning every aspect, every thought, no matter how large or small, to Him.


So, you may had read on Monday that my Susan passed away. I’ve been watching the rest of my flock this week to see what their reaction would be.  She was their leader.  It’s interesting. We’d not lost a chicken so we weren’t sure what to expect. On one hand they don’t seem to notice she’s gone. On the other hand they seem to be a little willynilly. We’ve talked before about how chickens have a pecking order, they’re no different than the rest of the world, and Susan just happened to be the chick in charge. She peeped loudest, pecked hardest, and herded fastest. Lucky for the rest of the flock, she wasn’t too plucky, for a chicken, I mean.

Now, when chickens lose a leader nature takes over and they fill the gap. I’m telling you, chickens aren’t so different than us. A new hen will emerge as the leader, and the flock will be reordered. Things for them have changed. Exactly the same for us, right? In every house, group, church, office, sport, school, club, there is always a leader and there are always followers. From the playground to the boardroom either you lead or you follow. The more I read the more I find that throughout history, people aren’t so different than my girls.

The Lord said to Moses, “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders.”
So at the Lord’s command Moses sent them out from the Desert of Paran. All of them were leaders of the Israelites.
Numbers 13:1-3

Do you see that? God led Moses, Moses was the follower. Moses led the tribal leaders, the tribal leaders were the followers. The tribal leaders led the tribes, the tribes followed. And so on and so on. It’s circular.   Skilled leaders have skilled followers who become skilled leaders. Not all leaders are good, but there was one who was especially Good, in fact perfect, spotless.

Remember Jesus and His followers…the disciples.

So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them…
Matthew 26:19

He was their Leader. He was their Comforter. He was their Provider. You know, I can’t even imagine how they must have felt as they watched the Crucifixion, as they thought they lost their Leader. As they did not fully understand His teachings to this point, they may have even felt abandoned, lost, willynilly. Their Leader was dead, or so they thought. And what happened? The led became the leaders. The followers became the followed. Followers of the Word. Leaders of the faith.

…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

This is how the gospel was spread – leaders to followers to leaders. We are all called to be leaders and followers. We are to go and make disciples. We are to lead folks to the salvation of Jesus. But, we can only be leaders if we are followers. Followers of the Word, not followers of the world. In this very Word, we are given everything we need to lead. In fact, we can only lead if we follow this Word.  Not my word or your word, the Word.

So I ask myself, am I a leader or a follower? Am I a leader of the Word or a follower of the world? That’s a little ouchy. You too? You see, I cannot be both. The Leader’s teachings say that. We have a choice, a difficult choice. Leaders have followers that become like their leaders. Who is leading me?  Who is leading you?  Who am I following?  Who are you following?  Leaders of the Word, or followers of the world?


This blog is a republish from June 18, 2018 of last year — Susan.  We lost Susan this past Friday.  I’ll miss her but I’m so, so grateful.  The lessons Susan taught me will stay with my for a lifetime.  Lessons the Lord taught me through a chicken.


You’d be surprised what you can learn from a chicken. Yep, a chicken. I’ve had laying hens for about a year now and I’m convinced you can learn all you need to know about life from them. Everything I Need to Know I Learned From a Chicken – not really, but sort of.

I have seven laying hens, different colors, different breeds, different sizes, different personalities (yes, chickens have personalities), even different egg colors – white, brown and blue. I started with eight but Esther ended up being Edward and had to go. Anyway, I have one named Susan. She’s a beauty. A Rhode Island Red with this deep rich red coat. She’s a handful.

As we were leaving for Church one Sunday, I glanced down at the barnyard. Susan had hopped out of the chicken pen and was wandering alone in our front field. We headed out.

After Church a quick check on “the girls” revealed Susan had not yet come back. I went on the hunt. It is not safe for a chicken to be out and about alone in our neck of the woods – predators. I walked through the field calling her – yes, she knows her name, making my chick-chick sounds. No answer. I walked through the barn – no answer. I was concerned. The search party (Livi and Tony) eventually located Susan inside the barn – she had been hanging out on the hay, alone. Susan was taking a minute. She had left the hustle and bustle – yes, of the chicken pen for a moment alone. The chicken pen is an active place, noisy — squawking, one is always bossing, pushing around, pecking, trying to nudge out another, always butting in line, talking over top of each other, constantly trying to establish the pecking order, stealing each other’s food, making a mess of the hen house, generally messing with each other’s minds. Sound familiar? Kind of like our lives, right?

Susan got fed up and made a getaway. Susan needed a minute. I completely understand where she was coming from. Don’t you? Sometimes we need to pull-a-Susan and take a minute. Runaway, get rid of all the noise in our lives – all the squawking, pushing and shoving, and get to a quiet place – we need to run to Jesus. We need a minute — sometimes two.

You see that’s exactly what Jesus did and we are to follow his example. Mark 1:35 tells us:

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

Jesus was in the thick of things – Jesus was the thick of things. He was a busy man. He was gathering His flock – calling His disciples, organizing, giving instruction, teaching the Good News, traveling from town to town healing bodies and souls. The more he taught and healed, the more people came to be taught and healed. In the midst of that hustle and bustle, Jesus needed a moment. He needed to be alone, without companions, away from the squawking, pushing, shoving, etc., to speak to God, His Father.

Jesus started his days by taking a minute in the morning. We do that too sometimes — take a morning moment. But do we often run to Jesus throughout our day, or do we just wait until the next morning to take another moment? Luke tells us in 5:15 that despite Jesus’ instructions, word of His power spread like wildfire and loads of people came to hear his message and to be healed. Hustle and bustle. Luke then goes on to tell us in verse 16: “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” It doesn’t say Jesus withdrew occasionally, just in the morning, or once a day, it says he “often” withdrew. Often, again and again, regularly, usually, repeatedly, consistently.

Paul tells us in Philippians 4 not to worry about anything but instead pray about everything. Take a moment – separate yourself from the life-craziness, the overdrive of this world – and lift your cares to Jesus. We are told if we do this – take a moment — we will experience God’s peace which is more wonderful than our minds can comprehend.

When we found Susan, she hopped off the hay bales and calmly walked back to her pen. She was refreshed. Susan’s escape lasted for a few hours. Our escapes may only last a few minutes but then we too can walk back to our pens, our jobs, our families, our laundry, our kids, our Churches, our communities, our lives – refreshed.

Yes, you can learn lessons from a chicken. Thanks, Susan.


It’s raining …again. That seems to be the story of our life, right? Open the floodgates of Heaven, let it rain? I’d be much more inclined to welcome the Reign with a cheerful spirit. You too?

Hey, I recently heard that there was no rain on the earth until the great flood of Noah’s time. How about that? I’m still digesting that, you know, working on that understanding thing, but that’s what I heard. Honestly, until Dr. Jeremiah told us that, I had never really thought about it. Oh, like you, many odd things run through my head, all at the same time, but whether it rained or not before the great flood definitely wasn’t one of them. But I’ve been rolling it around and checking it out. Every good Bible teacher will tell you to get into the Word and check it out. They will encourage you to be a studier of the Word, not just a reader. Dr. David Jeremiah is no exception.

Anyway, I’ve been pondering this rain thing, trying to work it out for myself. I’ve checked out God’s Word, Genesis, specifically and the internet (so it must be true – Bonjour!). The best I can tell is that there was no rain until the great flood. Of course, there is information to the contrary, you have to check the sources and come to your own conclusions.  But this rain thing is fascinating to me. I’m no scientist so I’m not going to try to explain it, I struggled to spell the word, but think about the implications of a rainless earth prior to the flood. Talk about a little climate change going on!

All the more reason for folks to look at Noah like he had twelve heads. He’s building a boat – what for? They’re watching and wondering. Their hearts were hard so the only answer was that the man was crazy.

When we talk about following Jesus, do you think folks ever feel the same way about us? Do they look at us like they looked at Noah, twelve heads? Are they watching us and wondering? Do they think we’re crazy? Undoubtedly, some do. Just like those in Noah’s time they had never seen rain and they weren’t open to believing something they hadn’t seen, so they couldn’t possibly understand what it was and they certainly weren’t going to set store by it. Who needed a boat? They were landlocked! It’s the same way in our time. There are those who have never seen Jesus who aren’t open to believing in something they can’t see, and so they can’t possibly believe. They don’t need a Savior. They are heartlocked.

Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless man living on earth at the time. He consistently followed God’s will and enjoyed a close relationship with him.
Genesis 6:9

Noah was a faithful man. Not a perfect man. A faithful man. It says he “consistently followed God’s will.” Do we stumble a little there? It says he “enjoyed a close relationship with him.” Do we stumble a little there?  Can those same things be said about me? About us? (Remember, I’m not alone in this journey.) Will He say…

Beth was a faithful woman. Not a perfect woman. A faithful woman. She consistently followed My will and enjoyed a close relationship with me.

Uh-oh, looks like I’ve got some work to do. Fill in your name. Am I in good company?  Shouldn’t that be our desire though?

By consistently following the Lord’s instruction and being in close relationship with Him, Noah set an example to all those around him. His faith was not influenced by the world, his faith influenced the world — there weren’t many but there were others on that boat. That’s exactly what we’re supposed to do too. We’re supposed to be different, if people don’t look at us as if we’re different, we need to check our faith. Our lives should be so radically different from the world that those who do not know Jesus notice the difference, maybe even think we’re a little crazy, a little extreme, a little fundamental, a little radical. So, how’s your faith?


Is that not the cutest thing ever? Even though the little thing resembles (check out the beard), that’s not his daddy. Here’s how it went down…Livi and Jon were on their way home from town last Sunday when they came across this little fella running down King Street in front of the Rocs and Sheetz stores. This small fry was dashing frantically between four lanes of traffic. Many folks were trying to help it. Jon was able to snatch it up.

Here’s the problem, the little guy’s chances of survival are slim. His survival would be miraculous. He’s only a few days old and without a mother – not good odds. So, they brought him home. Now, it’s not legal to keep wild animals without a license, so the only thing we could do was put him out in the field. His chances are pretty good out there, it’s getting on dropping time and there are a ton of deer. It’s very possible another mother will allow it to nurse and that gives it the best chance of survival. Although survival will be tough, the chance of survival is much greater in the field with other mothers than on King Street with no mother. This little fella now has a second chance, the first chance would have surely ended in death. The field is his best chance and everything deserves a chance.

You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. Two of very kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.
Genesis 6:19-21

Do you see that? He loves His creation – remember, it was “good.” The Lord takes care of His creation. His instructions to Noah even provided food for the animals.

Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26

And yet, look at how much more He loves us.

God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Just as that little buck has a chance at life, we too have the chance of eternal life. Ours though is not just a chance because God is not a God of chance, He is a God of choice. He chose us and we must choose Him. That’s how we survive for all eternity.

The little guy has been in the field a week and it appears as if he’s been adopted into another family. Isn’t that just like us? We’ve been adopted into the family of God – joint heirs with Jesus!


I went for a walk in town during lunch the other day. I’m walking down the street and I see a friend headed out to their vehicle. I wave, we exchange niceties, without missing a step. I then see this friend at the Stop sign. I then see this friend a block or so later. I started thinking…am I supposed to wave every time I see this person? Does one wave count for the whole day? Do I give half-waves after the initial full-wave? Is there a wave protocol? I don’t know. I just didn’t know what to do?

Have you ever been in that situation where you just didn’t know what to do? Where you didn’t know what to say? How to act? You know what I mean, right? Like hug or handshake. Bow or curtsy? Speak or don’t? What to do?!?!?!? Oh sure, there are those folks out there who always seem to get it right. They always know what to do and always know what to say, in every single situation. Those folks grate on me (she says in jest), because I rarely, if ever, know the right thing to do or the right thing to say.

So, that’s what I ruminated on during my walk – to wave or not wave, that is the question!?! Actually, I started thinking, more like obsessing, kind of like the worst-best on a bone. Other than Miss Manners, is there a one-stop answer for what to do, at all times – from grease spots to place settings? I know you know what I mean. Where are the answers to all of life’s questions?

Now you may be saying – I can’t believe she doesn’t know that, it’s The Bible! And you would be right, but that’s a 30,000 feet answer, for a six foot mind! Here it is:

But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

That’s a little anticlimactic, isn’t it? Oh no, I don’t mean that seeking the Lord is anticlimactic, I mean it’s probably not the response you expected. That’s the answer to the wave-or-not-to-wave question? Actually, it is! In fact, that’s the answer to every question we may have! How so? Seeking the kingdom is seeking the rule or reign of Jesus Christ over our lives. Are you seeing it?

“…the kingdom of God is within you.”
Luke 17-21

This means just what it says, that the kingdom is present within us. Jesus is our King. His Spirit is living within us. If Jesus is reigning over our lives, we will have right attitudes, we will have right thoughts, we will know what to say, we will know what to do. If His kingdom only reigns on Sundays, we will not have right attitudes and right thoughts. We will use our own words and select our own actions, which may not be pretty.   We will not be sinless but we will be conscious of it when we do.

The Lord continuously births faith in the yielded believer so they can know what He prefers.
1 John 5:4 (Strong’s)

Back to the original question – to wave or not to wave?  If He reigns within, even the smallest of our actions must be dictated by Him.  What would He prefer?  Let’s live our lives with that question on our minds.