Only to sit and think of God

Oh what a joy it is!

To think the thought, to breathe the


Earth has no higher bliss.

Father of Jesus, love’s reward!

What rapture it will be,

Prostrate before They throne to lie,

And gaze and gaze on Thee!

Frederick Faber

Have you ever done that?  Just sat and thought only of God?  Closed your mind’s eyes and your heart’s eyes to everything around you except God – even for a few moments?  What was it like?  Joy?   Bliss?  Reward?  Rapture?

As I read Mr. Faber’s heart-thoughts those questions came to my mind.  I thought about whether I truly see thinking on God as the blessing and privilege that it is.  Did you also know it is an instruction from Jesus?  Yes, it is.

In our daily lives we do little sitting and thinking, we don’t have to.  We don’t have to be smart, we have phones that are smart for us.  We don’t have to keep calendars, we have computers that tell us when and where to be.  We have electronics that think for us.  We have television that tells us what we should think and how we should think.  We are so programmed. Our lives are filled to the brim with work, games, meetings, commitments, Church.  Who has time to sit and think?  We have lost the gift of sitting and thinking — simply coming before the King – kneeling at the Cross.

Jesus tells us in Luke 10:42 “But one thing is needful…”   This is Jesus’s word —  needful.  The word needful means necessary or required.  Read Luke 10:38-42.  You know this story.   It is the story of Jesus’s visit with Martha and Mary.  We’ve read it a thousand times and what do we take away from it?  We take from it that some folks are Marthas, always busy, always preparing, always serving and that some folks are Marys, they know how to sit and think of Jesus.  Somedays we are both Martha and Mary.  Somedays neither.  Jesus tells us that what Mary was doing, sitting at his feet, was “needful.”    Here’s the thing – we need to sit at Jesus’s feet and think on Him too.  If we are honest, we know that.   If we’re honest, we probably don’t do it often enough.

Luke tells the story of the man possessed by demons  in Luke 8:35.  Verse 35 says:  “And they saw the man who had been possessed by demons sitting quietly at Jesus’ feet.”  He needed Jesus.

In Mark 3:34 Jesus again tells how folks sat:  “And he looked round about on them which sat about him.”  They needed Jesus.

Charles Spurgeon puts it this way:

Some things in this world are necessary, after a measure, but this is necessary without measure; infinitely needful is it that you sit at Jesus’ feet, needful now, needful in life; needful in life for peace, in death for rest, and eternity for bliss.  This is always needful.

Over and over again in God’s perfect Word we are given examples of the “needful thing” — “sitting.”  So how does it work?  Practically speaking, how do we sit at Jesus’s feet?  How do we carve out time just to sit and think on Him?  What does that look like in our lives?  How do we push away the busyness and anxiousness in our lives to make room for the only thing we really need in our lives?

We’re talking sitting at his feet, in complete submission and total reliance and meditating only on Him.  Commit to sitting at the feet of Jesus daily.  What would it take for you to make that commitment?  What would need to change?  What do you need to get rid of in order to come prostrate before him and think on Him, to Submit, to Obey, to Glorify, to Learn, to Know Him More, to Love?


We are sky watchers at our house.  We are blessed to have the perfect vantage point for watching the sky.  A wideopen space.  We see sun ups, sun downs, millions of stars, the moon, planets and clouds.  You might say we have our eye trained on the sky.

I was headed to Orr’s Farm Market (a Destination place)  one day last August to pick up some peaches.  The location is ripe for sky watching, it’s a wideopen space.  As I get closer to the Farm Market, I started noticing the sky.  It was one of those dog days of summer – hazy, hot, humid, and just plain stinky.  You know those kinds of days when the sky is light blue and there are lots of beautiful, fluffy, white clouds rolling by.

I started thinking about those clouds.  About how beautiful and big and bright and fluffy they looked.  I started wondering what it would be like to touch a cloud.  Can you touch a cloud?   What is it made of?    Does it have substance?  As I travel on this quest to pursue God in all things, I asked myself that question.  Do I have substance?   So, what am I really made of?

Genesis 1:27 says that we were created in the imagine of God.

It says:  “God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”   Did you see that?  Three times the word “created” is used in this passage.  Created comes from the Hebrew word bara meaning “to create, make.”  It is theologically significant in that when bara is used it only ever has God as its subject.  It means creation out of nothing.  The dictionary definition of create is: “to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.”  You see, we did not evolve, we were created!

Let’s look at it again.  “God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”   Did you see that?   Two times the word “image” is used.  The word “image” means that we were created to resemble God.   To be like Him.  To mirror Him.  To take after Him.  To copy Him.  To mimic Him.  To imitate Him.  To embody Him.  Do we look like our Father?

Now that I know what I’m made of, I have to ask the question again – Do I have substance or am I all fluff?  I was physically formed by God to hold his Spirit, to embody Him.  Do I have body or am I like a cloud, beautiful and bright but no substance?  Am I all God-talk with no God-action?  Do I say I love but not live love?  Would I be scattered or dissipated when a strong wind blows?  Am I dense but without substance?  Am I substance over fluff?  Does my character have substance?

The only way to develop Spiritual substance is to live daily in the presence of God.  To study Him.  To seek Him.  To communicate with Him.  To be obedient to Him.  To love Him.  To live Him.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Colosse:

So we have continued praying ever since we first heard about you.  We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom.  Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others.  All the while, you will learn to know God better and better.

We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need.  May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father, who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God’s holy people, who live in the light.  For he has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness, and he has brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.  God has purchased our freedom with his blood and forgiven all our sins.

Colossians 1:9-14

We develop Spiritual substance by seeking God, being obedient to God, honoring God and living love.  That’s how we learn to know God “better and better.”  Increasing in the knowledge of God’s character will cause us to mimic, mirror, to look like, to embody Him.

Christ’s blood on the cross made us substantial.  Made us righteous. Made us worthy.  We were created in His image to be substantial, to have His substance.


Motion sickness – ugh!  Anyone else ever experience motion sickness?

In a car?   On a roller coaster?  Spinning in circles?  Scrolling a computer screen?

You peak a hill and the car seems to float down over the other side. Airborne.  Your stomach ends up in your throat.  The roller coaster climbs foot by foot, reaches its peak, then swiftly descends the tracks.  Your stomach ends up in your throat.  Your eyes focus on a computer screen.   Spin, spin, spin to the bottom of the page, lines and words fly by.  Your stomach ends up in your throat.  Do you notice the down?

We are up, then down.  We climb to the top, then down.  We start at the top, then down.  The ill feelings or sickness always seem to start in the down?  While porching today I’ve been thinking about how I allow myself to be pulled away from His Presence.  How I allow myself to be pulled down – down to the valley.  Sometimes it’s a slow descent.  Sometimes I’m flying down the road of life and it’s a sudden, seemingly unstoppable descent.  When I am Living in His Presence, I envision God on His Holy Mountain.  When I am on the down, I fail to stay in His Presence and I walk the lonesome valley.    Sometimes I can brake on the down – sometimes my brakes fail me.  I feel sick.

Here’s the thing – if I didn’t experience the up I wouldn’t know there’s a down and if I didn’t experience the down, I wouldn’t yearn for the up.  We are allowed the down so we can see the up.  We are allowed to experience life distant from God to fully appreciate how desperately we need Him for this life.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

                                                                                                Psalm 121:1-3

The Word tells us exactly how to deal with the down.  The valleys.  The  discontent.  The time.  The money.  The relationships.  The job.  The illnesses.  The rush and hurry.  The worry.  The world.  It seems so simple.  Not so much.  The Psalmist tells us to lift our eyes unto the hills where our help comes from.  Where our up comes from.

Eyes are made to see.  To reveal.  To experience the Presence.  Lifting our scaleless eyes to Him.  To Him, who is able to do more than we can think or imagine.  To Him, the One who is able to heal us of all our illnesses, our downs, if we simply touch His robe.   Turn your eyes upon the One who does not sleep but draws us back to the ascent – back to the mountain of the Lord – back to His Presence.


We don’t always finish what we start. We are beginners, not enders. We are openers, not closers. We are halfwayers – we get halfway, then we halt. We commence, but we don’t complete. We embark, we don’t arrive. We initiate, but do not consummate. All of us will see evidence of this if we but look around our homes – projects started, but not finished. I hope I’m not alone.

Call me crazy. Getting ready for work one day, I flipped open the cabinet and pulled out the hair gel. That’s the last thing I do before heading downstairs and out for the day. I slap on some hair gel – my finishing touch. While slapping it on one particular day I had a revelation. I’m a starter, not a finisher. You see I had two containers of hair gel – one that was almost empty and one that was brand new. I grabbed the brand new one – I wanted to start something new. The first thought that came to my mind when I did that was: “Thank goodness Jesus finishes what he starts.” I promptly returned the new to finish out the old. In my quest to see all things Jesus, I saw Jesus in the Hair Gel – I know what you’re thinking and you might be right!

I started thinking about my faith-race. Will I finish? What will my finish look like? Will I limp over the line or will I lunge across for the crown of glory? Philippians 1:6 says: “And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.” He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it! Jesus has done His part in my faith-race – will I do my part? Will I run and not grow weary? Will I endure? Will I be faithful?

Endurance in the faith requires testing. No one in their right mind would voluntarily sign on for testing, but that’s how we are made to grow. We grow strong physically by testing. We grow strong spiritually by testing. James 1:12 says: “God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” We must endure. Endurance means bearing hardship, holding on, running on, never giving up, never stopping, persevering, spunking-up! Enduring means running the race, completing the test, finishing.

James told the Jewish-Christians how to finish. Grow your faith — when faith is tested endurance has a chance to grow. Endurance, courage, strength, the will to continue, to keep going in spite of hardship, burdens, grief, injury, oppression, trials, disasters – in spite of it all. Endure and you will grow.

Testing comes in many forms – interruptions, work, family, busyness, idols, laziness, complacency, death, destruction, fear, confusion, friends, excuses, attitudes, food, money, etc.  My list goes on and on. I bet you have a list of your own. There are so many things that I allow to separate me from my Savior. He never separates from me – He will be faithful to complete. He’s a finisher. I separate from Him – I don’t train and I get tired. I get weak. I grow weary.

But, this is one race I must finish – it’s about life or death. It’s about the crown! Who doesn’t want that? First Timothy 4:7-8 says to “spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next.” Paul said to spend time and energy in training for spiritual fitness because he knew Timothy, and those to follow – us — would need it.

First Timothy 4:1: “that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons.” Paul told Timothy that in the last days some would turn away from what they believed and follow others – they would not endure. They would not finish.

We must finish what we have started and finish strong. Finish with confidence. Run and not grow weary. Finish for the crown.

Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world! Look, I am coming quickly. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown.
Revelations 3:10-11

Life is full of tests. We face them every day. This is the fallen world. Some trials are small – irritants. Some trials are enormous – mind blowing, gut wrenching, devastating. We must train, we must be ready. We must hold on. We must overcome. Jesus told us he is with us “always.” Not sometimes or only in the big stuff, but “always.” He told us we would have trouble. He told us to take heart. He told us he has overcome the world. He’s the Finisher.

Try to study the Word and feel all over the place. Try to settle your mind and can’t figure out where to start. Trying to pray but the words just don’t come. Searching for wisdom and only finding confusion. The Spirit Slayer works overtime. But…you don’t give up. You don’t stop. You don’t relent. You don’t give in. You keep opening your Bible. You keep asking God to intervene. You keep praising!


We live in the country, down a lane, off a main road. We have a couple of outbuildings and the side of one faces the main road. About a year ago we built a cross out of scraps in our yard, strung some tiny lights on it and hung it on the side of that building. My husband strung this ever so long extension cord, yep, bright orange, from the garage, across a side building and then around to the cross. And there was light!

I love that cross. It’s a comfort cross for me – home, peace, hope. The way to and through the cross for Jesus was anything but comfort. In three seasons you can see this cross on the building from the main road. I hope passersby find it comforting, thought provoking, or at least notice it. Yesterday morning, while out walking one of the many four legged loves of my life, I noticed that the cross was nearly hidden by blooming trees and branches. The cross was barely visible. In fact, if you didn’t know it was there, you might miss it. It made me think…

Do I miss the Cross? Is the Cross hidden? Do I hide from the Cross? Has it been hidden for so long that I have forgotten it? Forgotten that my sin was on that cross? Forgotten that I’m the reason for the Cross? Forgotten that my sin was nailed to that cross? I do miss the Cross. At times, I do hide from the Cross.

While studying 1 Peter the other day, I stumbled onto Isaiah 49:16.

…yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.

Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;

thy walls are continually before me.


…I would not forget you! See I have written your name on my hand.

Ever before me is a picture of Jerusalem’s walls in ruin.

Amen! That’s about all you can really say to that. What else can you say when the God of the universe has carved my name on the palm of His hand? He said “I will remember you.” My name engraved on His hand.   Firmly fixed – never to be forgotten. Even when I forget Him. Even when I hide from Him in my sin, He remembers me. Even me. He remembers me, sees my brokenness, sees me in disobedience, in ruin; yet still, my name is chiseled into His hand.

Seven hundred years later, we are told the same thing, at the Cross. Jesus remembered us at the Cross. With outstretched hands our names were etched with a nail onto His hands. Jesus will never forget us. He has the scars to remind Him. Remember, Thomas saw them. They are there. Those scars permanently affix my name on Christ’s hands. My name written with nails. I am pardoned by that writing.

Wow. Intense. The message is that sometimes the Cross is hidden from us. We either choose to hide from it, we choose to allow other things to get in the way, or we simply forget the Cross. God does not forget us. Jesus does not forget us. Lest we forget.


I love Irises. They are so regal. So stately. The thick green stem that extends skyward is so smooth and straight. Waving these big, funny, beautiful, bubbly, bearded blooms back and forth. Irises come in a variety of colors but the ones in my yard are purple, deep purple. The color of royalty. I look at the iris blooms as they wave back and forth in the breeze and they remind me of the billowy robe of royalty worn by my Jesus. Jesus the Royal. His Majesty. Jesus the King.

Do we recognize His Royalty? Do we think about Jesus being a King? The King? Do we treat Jesus as The King? Do we honor Jesus as The King? Do we honor Jesus as Our King? Jesus the High Priest?

How we recognize Jesus tells us a lot about ourselves.   Do we need to look at Him differently? Do we need to look at ourselves differently?

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that he should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.   1 Peter 3:9

One of the best words in the Bible — “chosen.” We are a chosen generation, a chosen people! Chosen by God before time began. Chosen by Him to come out of the darkness and into the light. Chosen by Him to shrug off the cloak of darkness we have been wearing and wrap up in the royal robe of His light. You see Jesus is the royal high priest.

It’s a stark contrast to visualize ourselves standing before Jesus in his beautiful royal robe, and us standing before Him with our torn and tattered garb. Satan would like us to archive that picture and save it forever. Living life in the darkness, feeling afraid, unworthy, unskilled, uncommitted, undone, unloved, un, un, un would be Satan’s desire.

Our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior and King, and our acknowledgement of our sin and His sacrifice that pardoned us, land us right smackdab in the middle of the kingdom of priests, right in the middle of God’s holy nation. Out of the darkness and into the bright light. Is there any better place to be?


My morning practice after my husband leaves for work is to wrap up in my porch blanket and sit on my deck with my prayer cat.

This morning I noticed a bird beginning to rustle around and awaken in the darkness of the sky. His song was so sweet. In the darkness he sang. Then another awakened, then another, then another.   Their individual songs became this lovely, sweet chorus.

As the sky lightened and the sun was peaking, I noticed that the song did not end. Their chorus was unending. I stopped to think. Is my song unending? Is my chorus unending?

You know I don’t notice the chorus so much during the day. Why is that? It’s not because the song is not being sung, it’s because I don’t hear it. It isn’t because the birds stop singing, the chorus hasn’t stopped – it’s because I don’t listen to it. Even as I sit, the motion of my day has begun. I’m slowly moving on to what’s next in my day – work, home, family, obligations. Their song is growing faint.

Day noise – mind chatter — that drowns out the unending chorus. Living daily in God’s presence is cultivated. We don’t just wake up one morning and say today’s the day – I’m going to live in God’s presence today – I’m going to see Him in everything today. Unreasonable. Training our hearts and minds to reset on God every minute of the day takes training. The more we look, the more we see. The more we listen, the more we hear.

For the Lord your God is living among you.

He is a mighty savior.

He will take delight in you with gladness.

With his love, he will calm all your fears.

He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.

Zephaniah 3:17

 You see, He is living among us. Amen! He is a mighty warrior. Amen! He delights in me. Amen! He will calm my fears. Amen! He will rejoice over me with loud singing. Amen!

If I can’t see Him it’s not because He’s not present. If I can’t hear Him it’s not because He’s not present. Maybe there’s too much mind chatter… God’s song is being sung all day to every one of us.   He is rejoicing over us today. We need only train ourselves to hear His song. How do we do that? Simple steps…the next time you hear the birds unending chorus, think about how God is rejoicing over you with loud singing. Amazing. Rejoicing over me. Rejoicing over you.

As the deer panteth for the water so my soul will long after you today, Jesus, listening for your song. Persist in the presence of God – strain your ears to hear His love song over you today – long for the song.